Saturday, September 26, 2009

A future Leader?

We had a family night at school this week.  Actually, we've had them the last two weeks....each grade level is having them on different nights.  It's nice, they are taking an opportunity to give parents information about report cards, testing, curriculum....and basically what the students will be working on this year to be promoted to the next grade level. Anyway, this week was for the 1st grade parents.  So Emily's teacher catches up to me and says she has the cutest story about Emily she has to share with me.

To start the story off, you should know that the kids school has a student council.  I believe in kindergarten each teacher selects a student from their class to participate (at least that's how it was when Wyatt was in he was a member), but I was under the assumption that in the other grade levels the selection is a bit different.  At any rate, Emily and I have had discussions about the student council and she decided she would like to be a member too.  I told her she would need to ask her teacher about it. Apparently she has done just that!  It's my guess that maybe she is driving her teacher a little nuts about it.  Okay, knowing that, here is how the conversation with her teacher started......"So Emily has been asking me about being on student council and I think she would be perfect, I'm going to put her name in"!  Then she goes on to tell me about their discussion in class....they are learning about their leaders.  In this discussion, she ask the kids if they could tell her who one of their leaders are.  She was calling on students who had their hands raised to answer.  She said she got to Emily, who was being very patient, and Emily's response was...."I know TWO leaders, YOU and ME"!!  She laughed and said that was a story she went home and told her husband about!  Something tells me that Em will make a pretty good little leader with that kind of confidence!!  Should we be thinking future Congresswoman, Senator or even President??? :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Miss Independent

Yep, that's my girl!  She doesn't want my help with much anymore....especially doing her hair!  "I can do it myself" is what I hear when I try to help.  This is one of those things where I've decided to "pick my battles", so to speak.....on the weekend, when we are just hanging out at home, I let her do her own thing.  On school days, as long as it doesn't look too bad, I let her do her own thing then too.  On days when she decides that more is in pony tails AND clips AND head bands AND anything else she can get in her hair....yeah, Momma takes over on those kind of days.  For the most part, she does pretty good though.  Here are a couple of pictures I took last week while she was pulling it back into a pony tail. 


Friday, September 11, 2009

How would you make Freckle Juice?

Last week the third graders were reading "Freckle Juice" by Judy Blume.  Wyatt came home with a note from the teachers inviting the students to make their own freckle juice and bring it to school to share.  He was determined that whatever he made, it had to have grape juice in it!  So I pulled out a cookbook and we found a punch recipe that sounded yummy.  It didn't need many ingredients, but grape juice was included.  He measured and poured and we mixed and sampled.  He was satisfied with the results so he eagerly took it to share!  He was so excited when I picked him up the next day.  He had sampled several other concoctions and his had been sampled by others....he was a happy camper!

So again, how would YOU make freckle juice?  This
is what Wyatt used....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do you have/use Tupperware?

Or maybe you need some new stuff?  If you have not seen a catalog lately, you should find one!  They have some really nice stuff in fun new colors.  I know exactly where you can get your hands on one....and where to place an order too!!  Brandie has recently become a consultant.  So, if you would like to see a catalog and/or place an order, just let me know and I'll get you in touch with her!


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