Monday, December 15, 2008

Crazy weather!

So yesterday it was 79 degrees...almost a record HIGH! Tonight, it appears we are in the midst of an ice storm. OK, well I guess I should make it clear that this is relatively speaking....after all, an ice storm in Texas can not be compared to the icy, blizzard conditions that some parts of the country have experienced in recent days! This particular ice storm is consisting of "patchy" freezing rain. We will not have issues with downed power lines or tree limbs....but a nasty glaze on the roadways all the same! I am sitting here watching the 9 pm news and there are traffic nightmares all over the metroplex....this remaining from the afternoon rush hour! I dread what the morning will bring...but not because of the traffic. What I dread the most is that I might have to break the bad news to Emily that her field trip to ride the North Pole Express is not going to happen! She has been so very excited about this field trip!! At this point it does not look good. We have not had much in our area, but they are saying that we have a good chance of getting more during the night. Not to worry though...if we get to go, I have my camera packed up and ready to go!!

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