Thursday, January 29, 2009

Been an interesting week

I tried to post this late yesterday...Thursday...not sure if the bigger issue was my connection to the net or blogger, but whatever, this is a day late being posted!!!

The kids got out of school early on Tuesday and didn't go at all on Wednesday...thanks to the ICE! I was so hoping we would get at least a little snow so that we could play in it.

Today I went on yet another field trip. The kindergarten classes went to the stock show...yes, Emily and I walked around the stock show for a second time this week! It was fun though. I think it must have been "school day"....there were big yellow school buses lined up forever to unload. So we got to see some things that we didn't when we went with Daddy and Bubba. I did something I almost never do...I went withOUT my camera today. I did this on purpose! I decided to actually enjoy the trip WITH Emily instead of through my view was nice.

Our week will finish up with Em's dance class tomorrow evening, Wyatt's basketball game Saturday evening and finally the Superbowl on Sunday!! GO STEELERS!!!!!

On a blog note....
I got an award!! lagirl from Sweet Tea passed this along to me! You can click here to go visit her blog, or she is also in my blog list, over there -->> on the side bar. Now the rules indicate that I should pass this along to ten friends on my blog list, but since I have only recently started following more blogs (and have very few readers myself) I am going to leave it here and let whoever would like to have this award on your blog grab it!! Thanks again, lagirl!

The only picture I have today is one I took when it was so cold the other day. Actually I took several pictures, but I just posted similar shots a couple of weeks ago....and come on, ice pictures are ice pictures!! It's not great because it was taken from inside...through the window with a screen. I just love watching my cardinals come to the front porch to eat!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I just got the call

"Due to the inclement weather, all campuses will be dismissing at 1:30 today". I expected the call. I assumed it would be an earlier dismissal. I noticed just before the phone rang that we have ice on our porch. If we were gonna have school closing weather, I wish it were least we could go out and play!!! Oh well, I think I will go get my nails done before it's time to pick up the monsters. If we're gonna be stuck inside, I might as well have pretty nails! :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Because sprinkles just make it more fun!

I'm trying to be more healthy...really, I am! More veggies and lean meat, brown rice instead of get the picture. But honestly, giving up chocolate is just NOT going to happen for me! I can say I will cut back, but that's not likely to happen either. Anyway, with that said, you will understand how easy it was for me to oblige when Emily requested chocolate cake as a "yummy treat" for tonight. The child wanted chocolate cake, the child (and her momma!) will have chocolate cake. And yes, the sprinkles will make it so much more fun for little Miss!!

Besides, how was I supposed to say NO to this??? (the little monster has been striking this pose whenever she has seen me with the camera lately!)

Wanna be cowboys...and cowgirls

We didn't make it to the Stock Show a week ago as planned...that's when the boy was sick. So we went yesterday. The weather was perfect! The kids had a great time in the petting zoo and riding ponies. We walked through the exhibit buildings...saw lots of things I could have spent a bunch of money on! Went through the cattle, sheep and swine barns. Saw some adorable baby animals and (of course) the horses. By the time we left, the kids were exhausted...they both went to sleep on the way home! It was a fun day. I snapped a few pictures in the petting zoo and at the pony ride.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What language do you speak?

We (mom, Aunt Linda and myself) are planning a road trip to Indiana this summer. As some of you know, I usually don't spill the beans about such things until the last minute....just to avoid some of the crazy chaos that comes from the monsters (otherwise know as Wyatt & Emily). This being such a big trip and me being so excited about it....mmmm Pizza King, Dog n Suds & The Frozen Custard!! OK, yes I am looking forward to seeing family too!! Anyway, this being such a big trip and all, I knew there was NO way I was going to keep this one under wraps. So I was telling Wyatt all about it. Of course I was bombarded with questions..."how far is it? how long will it take us to get there?" know, the usual kids questions. Except for these... "Momma, how will I talk to our family in Indiana? And how will they understand me?" HUH??? "Well, what language do they speak?" Ummm, son, we are simply going across a couple of state lines....not to another country!!! Yep, that's my goofy kid....I'll blame it on his dad!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick kid...but I'm not the only mom dealing with it.

A very creative mom on another blog I read posted this today. I'm not much of a creative type, but came up with a comment for her blog that went something like this...

Stomach flu here too.
We should own stock in Lysol.
Quick grab the bucket.

No fever today.
I feel a break coming soon.
To school you must go!

Yep, it was this same sick kid that kept us from going to the Stock Show on Sunday. He was upset be we assured him that we would try again this weekend.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Some pictures from our drive around Dallas

We pulled a float in the MLK Jr. parade, so it was literally our drive around Dallas. We were stopped for all of about 1o minutes in front of City Hall while waiting for our turn to take off. When it was over, we had to get home for Wyatt's basketball game. We have a list of things we would like to do and see in Dallas. We plan to start crossing things off that list soon.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just couldn't resist!

So, as I finished the last post, I look up and Jeff points to the couch. Emily, who had just been bouncing around the living room, was all snuggled up and fast asleep! I had to snap and then download all I had taken today. I'm not taking the time to re-size and post my Dallas pictures...and I did get a few good ones....but here is the best one of the day!

Time for another change!

In honor of one of MY favorite holidays!! ;) I think we shall keep things rather festive with pinks and reds for a while.

We were in Dallas this morning. I took pictures, but they're not on my computer yet. I'm sure I will take a couple more at the stock show tomorrow. I will post new pictures soon. That's all for now....just wanted to make things festive! Have a great night.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I've been adding some songs to the new toy on my the way, how do you like the PLAYLIST? Anyway...adding new songs. I ask Jeff if he remembered one of the songs. It was played at our wedding. Wyatt ask "Momma, when were you married? or something"? Well son, I was only 9 that year...your dad was old enough to marry, but NOT me!! (Love you, Hun!!) ;)

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's Stock Show time

This can be a pretty big deal for a lot of people in can check it out here. We haven't been in several years. I was telling the kids this morning that we might go this weekend. Both of them were asking a bunch of questions. Wyatt remembered a bit from the last time we went. Emily wondered why it was called a stock show. I explained to her that farm animals are also called live stock. She was OK with that answer and I didn't think any more about it. At dinner tonight, while we were discussing what we might see and do at the stock show, Emily tells Jeff "and I'm going to ride a stock while we're there"! He gave me a strange looked and ask "HUH"?? I had to explain to him our conversation from this morning....she knew what she was talking about, whether he did or not!

On another knitting is progressing! Slowly, but progressing all the same!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

His first Erector model

With lots of help from Daddy! They were pretty proud of well they should be, it looks really cool!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Excellent" behavior when it counts!

A few days ago I posted about Wyatt and I "butting heads". I have been trying hard to be more patient with both of them...for the most, I feel like I'm succeeding. We/they still have our moments, but I can see things improving...even if it seems slow at times. OK, so this is what is going on at home. School is a different story. Report cards came home today. They both have an "excellent" for their conduct grades. I expected this with Emily...she has not had 1 "color change" (this is a method our school uses to determine/grade conduct) this year. Wyatt has had a few color changes. They have been for pretty minor things, but color changes all the same. I guess the important thing here is that both kids do a fine job of behaving themselves when it really counts....when they are away from Momma and Daddy!
As for the rest of their report cards, they are both doing great in all academic areas also! They seem to be following in both their big sisters footsteps. Wow....we are lucky parents!!

Info overload?

OK, so in my quest to become more "crafty"...specifically, learn to knit as mentioned in a previous post...I was given an opportunity I just couldn't pass up! I'm sure many of you will understand what I'm talking about. You know the gimmick..."Join now, receive all *this* for 1 penny each plus the shipping cost". Yes, it went on to say that I would need to purchase X number more in the next year....blah, blah, blah. Nope, I just couldn't resist!! But just look at all the beautiful books that will teach me all I need to know!!! Yes, it looks like I will be crocheting too! Wish me luck! And Mom....maybe, just maybe, I will be doing better by the time I come back down for a visit. :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gotta love Texas weather! we were having fun at the State Park...our record high temps were being shattered! We hit 84 degrees. Today...totally different story! We are dealing with ice. Thanks to the warm weather over the weekend, it hasn't been a huge problem on the roads. The trees were really pretty though.
Can you see the little female Cardinal in the icy tree?
Playground at the kids school.

A new picture...or two

Yeah, cause that's about all I've taken.....NOT!! ;) Really though, here are a few from the past few days.

Wyatt has had fun with the Wheelie Cycle he got for Christmas!
Em enjoys strumming on the boys guitar.
Gidget in all of her rotten-ness!!
Saturday we took the kids to a local State Park. Emily got to try out her new big girl bike.

This is the initial result.
So, she tried riding in the grass.
The result wasn't much better...and pouting ensued! It took us a while, but we finally convinced her that her brother had the same problem when he first got on his new bike. And that with practice, she would also get better.
So, while Bubba continued to ride....
Emily and I took off on one of the trails...exploring!
Bubba and Daddy caught up with us...
and we found this neat little bridge thingy.

So down they went...
to do some *exploring* on their own!


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