Monday, January 26, 2009

Wanna be cowboys...and cowgirls

We didn't make it to the Stock Show a week ago as planned...that's when the boy was sick. So we went yesterday. The weather was perfect! The kids had a great time in the petting zoo and riding ponies. We walked through the exhibit buildings...saw lots of things I could have spent a bunch of money on! Went through the cattle, sheep and swine barns. Saw some adorable baby animals and (of course) the horses. By the time we left, the kids were exhausted...they both went to sleep on the way home! It was a fun day. I snapped a few pictures in the petting zoo and at the pony ride.


B said...

Those pictures are awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a cute cowboy you have! Those photos are great!! Teach that cowboy to sing like Garth Brooks and you can retire a rich woman!!


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