Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cool kids and pumpkins

So I got lazy this year and decided NOT to carve pumpkins.  Instead we went with the "Mr. Pumpkin Head" decorations....that's not really what they are called, but what I have been calling them.  Emily was thrilled, Wyatt not so much.  He thought HE should get to carve his own.  When he finally realized that I would not put a knife in his hands and that he could choose the face to put on his if he took my approach, he gave in pretty willingly.  This is the end result....I thought they looked pretty cute!

This is Red Ribbon (drug awareness) week at school.  They play it up by doing/wearing something special each day.  Tuesday they could wear their sunglasses.  It was also the day for the pumpkin parade.  They kids could bring their carved/decorated pumpkins and join the parade at the end of the day.  I snapped a few pictures of my cool kids with their pumpkins before I took them to school!

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