Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just an update....

Ok, so I'm not always so good about updating!

The end of school is almost here.....and none to soon!! Sara is soooo ready to be finished! She has her cap and gown, her announcements have been mailed and she has only 6 days left. I'm excited for her, but a little sad for myself! She will, after all, be leaving home soon after graduation. We sent graduation party invites, but if you didn't get one and would like to come celebrate with us please feel free! The party will be Saturday, June 2 starting at 1 o'clock. Just give me a call or send an email to let us know you will be coming. Wyatt absolutely loves school, but even he is ready for it to be over! We are all ready to spend a fun summer in the pool, going to Six Flags and just relaxing.

Hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing spring!! Leave me a comment to let me know you have been here!

Here are a few pictures....enjoy.

1 comment:

Brock-n-Robbins said...

Hi Robbie,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your kids are so cute! I love your youngest daughters curly hair. Can't wait to meet you!



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