like this anymore!
In March the kids and I headed south for a few days to visit Sissy, Sara, Granny & Pawpaw and to celebrate Sara's birthday. She wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory....great idea Sara, it was VERY yummy!! We took the kids camping during their spring break. Although we had to adjust our plans due to spring storms, we had a great time! We also celebrated Wyatt's birthday...he turned 7 on April 4th. We've had 2 or 3 baseball games every week since late March and dance class for Em every Thursday evening. To add to the craziness, we have had several doctor visits also. Wyatt has had several ear infections since last fall and it seems that we will be taking him in to have tubes put in his ears at the end of the summer. The kids school had a family night on Earth day. They planted trees during school that day, then grilled hot dogs and had kites for the kids to fly that evening. It was a lot of fun....and quite a site with all those kites flying, but I goofed and forgot my camera that night! Last week I went with Wyatt's class on a field trip to Texas Motor Speedway. We had a great time, but I don't plan on making another lap around that track......ever!!! I will just continue to enjoy watching the racing from my seat at the track or on
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